Thursday 27 November 2003 10:37:58 am
Hi, I'ma hving some strange problems when it comes to editing classes. Lately, I've been having trouble using my admin user account to save the changes I make to a class. I'm allowed to click "Activate", but not "Save". Furthermore, having just given my partner admin priveligies, he is unable to edit both the default classes and the ones I've created. However, in stead of not being able to Save/Activate, he's not able to view none of the classes in edit view mode. That admin priveliges are (of course) * * *, and I can't understand why my partner doesn't get this as I've assigned the priveliges both to the the user account itsself, and to the user group he belongs to. Any help would be greatly appreciated ! Sincerely,
Eirik Johansen Netmaking AS
Eirik Alfstad Johansen