Eirik Alfstad Johansen
Tuesday 17 February 2004 7:52:46 am
Hi Patrizio, According to my understanding of ezp logic, this is not possible. I absolutely agree that it should be, though, as this would be very useful for extensions in general. Sincerely, Eirik Johansen
Eirik Alfstad Johansen
Eirik Alfstad Johansen
Tuesday 17 February 2004 7:58:43 am
I created a request for such functionality here: http://ez.no/community/bug_reports/appending_menu_items_to_admin_siteaccess_menu Sincerely, Eirik Johansen
Eirik Alfstad Johansen
Patrizio Bekerle
Tuesday 17 February 2004 9:29:44 am
That's sad, you can do everything in an extension. INIs, TPLs, even translations. But you cannot link to your admin site... I think this could/should be possible on the extension admin page, where you can enable extensions...