Thursday 04 January 2007 5:29:57 am
Hello! A customer needs to upload files. The name and information about the files should be visible to all users, including anonymous users. However, it is required to log in before being allowed to download one of the uploaded files. That means I need partial access to an object. Or I need to allow reading of the object, men not downloading of files. Is there a mechanism that allows this in eZ? ----- I haven't been able to find one, so I went about making an extension with a new module containing a fetch function, thinking that the access restrictions were on module level. The function is very simple and looks like this:
function get_Attrib( $nodeID ){
$rootNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch( $nodeID);
if ($rootNode===null) return false;
$list =& $rootNode->subTree( );
if ( $list === null ) return false;
return array( 'result' => &$list );
Even though I've granted all users full access to my new module including this function, it seems that the fetch function is still limited by the restrictions set for the content module. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug/feature?