Friday 13 June 2003 3:06:52 am
I've been playing around with 3.1-2 and while it works very well, it's f***** slow. On a P3800 machine not doing anything except serving as development box, it takes about 9seconds (as calculated by Debug) to load the login page and 98% of the time is spent in the template module. Now caching is active and so is template compiling and I'm using phpaccelerator already. What can I do to get better performance? And why don't I see any of my own siteaccess templates in var/cache/compiled? Template compiling is a nice idea in theory but in practice, the benefits seem unnoticeable. I think a 1Ghz machine should be able to deliver at least 5 pages/s not 1 page per 10 seconds. And I'm not doing much in the lines of template black magic, my pagelayout is 25k but there's only two dynamic parts, the menu is assembled of children of the root node and the content of the current node is fetched and links to its children are displayed, nothing more.