Monday 04 July 2011 2:17:27 pm
By : Gaetano Giunta
Apache is a highly modular software - and that's a great feature, that contrbuted a lot to its wild success! Some linux distributions however have a default installation of Apache with many, many modules enabled. maybe too much. We know that any unused module chews up valuable ram, is a possible target of attack for crackers and slows down the startup of the webserver by a few milliseconds.
So, what is the absolute minimum list of Apache modules that are needed to successfully run eZ Publish? Read on to find out...
With a little experimenting, here is the list I came up with:
in vhost mode:
in non-vhost mode:
Note: mod_dir can not be disabled with the standard eZ Publish .htaccess file that contains a DirectoryIndex directive. That directive is unnecessary when rewrite rules are active and it can be safely removed.
Now, that's a small list, isn't it? On my windows 7 laptop, Apache uses about 5 MB of ram when started up in this minimal setup.
enable on an as-needed basis