Cheat Sheet : "How to convince your boss to let you attend the Community Day at the eZ Winter Conference 2011"

Tuesday 07 December 2010 10:15:53 am

By : Nicolas Pastorino

( On Jan. 27th, Nice, France )

A few words before the action

The idea behind this cheat sheet is to give you a bunch of infallible arguments to convince your boss/manager/mother to let you attend to the Community Day at the eZ Winter Conference 2011 in Nice, France, on Jan. 27th. announced here :

Community Day at the eZ Winter Conference on January 27th, in Nice, France


Action !

There are two strong pre-requisites :

  1. You feel like joining this conference. Having you read this probably means this requirements is fulfilled.
  2. You get to have a 5-minutes talk with you boss/manager/mother (you won't need more once you grasped this cheat-sheet, be assured).

The Cheat Sheet

Click on the image below to have it full size. Alternatively, you can download the PDF Version of this article.


Copy/paste-able version of text form the cheat sheet

Registration link

Arguments Pool #1

The Community Day is the type of live events long-awaited by the Community : an opportunity to get together for real, put faces on nicknames, go beyond the normally virtual exchanges in forums, tutorials, blogs, IRC, twitter. Read on a bit to see what is coming up in January.
It is a FREE event, open to everyone.


Arguments Pool #2

"The role of a community and how the eZ Community heart is beating"

by Nicolas Pastorino - Community Manager and eZ's VP Product Management - 9:00 - 9:45

You should leave this session with the comforted feeling of how our Community matters, and what happened, happens and will happen at its very heart ! This is a good way to wire-in if you did not do so yet, and to understand where the eZ Community is heading in the forthcoming months, and, why not, get deeply involved ! The big thing on the agenda will be the Community Project.

"REST API : how to turn eZ Publish into a multi-channel machine"

by eZ Engineering - 10:00 - 10:45

This talk will unveil the latest features of eZ Publish's REST and PHP API, gearing you up on building mobile apps, delivering content to 3rd-party tools, and tap into any channel.
As a mobile application developer, the REST API is probably the most interesting latest feature for you : it is meant to let you pull from eZ Publish's content base, with prior authentication when required, letting you twist your brain on all aspects of a mobile app creation BUT content retrieval.

"Flash talks on extensions"

14:30 - 15:15

This is new this year. All flash-speakers have 3 minutes to flash-present one of their extensions, or an extension their are fond of. No more than three, super-condensed speech, to make others feel like using it or contribute to their project !
The Barcamp, from 17:00 on, will then leave us time to dig into details.
This is both a unique occasion to showcase what you or your company is building on top of eZ Publish (if you choose to present something), and to get to know, in 30 minutes, around 10 extensions, potential boosters for your work on eZ Publish.

"Interactive workshop : sharing views on the product's evolution"

15:30 - 17:00

Large brainstorming session about the long-term product direction. Sharing market insights, foreseeing what tomorrow's Content Management could be, together with you. That is a communal achievement we are looking for here, so step-in.


17:00 and on

The eZ Barcamp is an informal, end-of-day meeting where a poll for subjects is made, then prioritized by a round of votes. Groups of interests can be formed around specific topics, or general discussions can happen, depending on who is attending. Usually very practical, hands-on, we address daily eZ Publish-related topics, be they technical or functional. Typically useful when willing to shed some light, as a beginner to intermediate level developer, on subjects one is struggling with frequently.
This is also a pretty social happening, when one gets to know another better, through the casual exchanges triggered. Another efficient way to wire-in !


Arguments Pool #3

Free talks slots !


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