Forums / Translation / Norwegian (Nynorsk) / eZ Publish Fuji (4.4) translation has started

eZ Publish Fuji (4.4) translation has started

Author Message

Nicolas Pastorino

Tuesday 27 April 2010 5:52:50 am

Dear translators and linguists,

I am pleased to announce that the translation of eZ Publish Fuji (4.4) has started. Approximately every 3 weeks from now on (matching the end of a sprint in the engineering team, picked from the agile terminology), the new, untranslated strings will be pushed in the trunk of our translation repository, immediately available for translation. This ensures the translation can be smoothly done, on the fly, closely following the product development pace.

The first sprint has ended, but no new string was committed. The next untranslated strings delivery will occur around May, 20th.

However, all translations are not complete yet, meaning we can still improve even if no new string was produced by this sprint of eZ Engineering.

Cheers !

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

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