Forums / Translation / French / Got some problems with my extension translation

Got some problems with my extension translation

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Frédéric Méance

Monday 04 July 2011 2:22:21 am

Hello all,

First sorry for my english...i am french !

I am a new user with ezpublish (since one month). It works great but i have a problem with my translation file in my extension.

Ok, so i use EzPublish 4.4, i have an extension called <ezsiteweb>, and a translation.ts file in ezsiteweb/translations/fre-FR/translation.ts. In the site.ini.append.php of my extension i have :



For any reasons, i never see my translation text. I have put the content of my translation file in the ezwebin (in file fre-FR/translation.ts, just to try) and it works !

So why EzPublish does not see my extension translation file ??


Frédéric Méance

Monday 04 July 2011 5:21:56 am

Nobody ?

Frédéric Méance

Monday 04 July 2011 6:38:54 am

Ok... I am really sorry...

I've put some debug in eztranslator.php to see that i've forgotten a f***g "r" in the name translation.ts...

How to loose a day....