Forums / Translation / Finnish
More information on the central translation initiative here : The corresponding part in the central translation repository is
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Issue with translation comments
Helge Silset
Replies: 2
22/08/2011 6:22 am
Last reply by: Helge Silset
4.5 internationalization : open until Wednesday, March 23rd, 16:00 GMT+1
Nicolas Pastorino
Replies: 0
eZ Publish Localization : new process and 4.5 localization to be polished
Fuji (4.4) translation : a few days left
16/09/2010 1:21 am
Last reply by: Nicolas Pastorino
eZ Publish Fuji (4.4) translation has started
Two more days for translation!
Replies: 1
11/03/2010 5:17 am
The 4.3 strings are ready!
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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