Thursday 26 February 2004 4:24:02 pm
Hi Alex! My goal: to get more complete contributions..not only code, but also good documented stuff with e.g. screenshots etc.
Well, I guess you've right about that we can use the Contribution area :) Just wanted to encourage ppl who have developed stuff by themselves or eZ have developed stuff for them, to document and contribute with these things in a complete way, not just upload a little functionality here and there, but give the community a complete "modul" ready to implement and use(code, templates and documented information about the idea, functionality, use, usermanuals.. and maybe screenshots also) ;) That would be great! For example complete doc. on portals, galleries, webshops, archive, member-search(with syncronization from other database-systems), e-learning modules(for those who got this developed), news sites, intranet-sites etc. The ez-demo sites are ok, but very very simple. If you check out other CMS-systems(also Open Source), they have more available functionality in their demo sites. I've checked out a lot of other CMS, and here you can get a complete and "ready to use" tree menu integrated without having to install extensions(you just have to do a change in the admin-interface and the tree menu is there), classes which have the possibillities to have an unpublish/publish function(without creating cron-jobs etc.)(e.g. Digimaker which already have these attributes set from the beginning), upload templates through the admin interface without having to login to a linux shell: copy templates and give the right accesslevels on the files(Mambo) and make changes in override.ini.., automatic archiving functions ready to set up without having to set up cronjobs and access the server(e.g. Digimaker). I know the possibillites are in eZ publish, but to get this up and running in eZ, you have to do too many things. If you "buy", or download a complete Open Source CMS from other companies, many of these have a lot more func. available without having to do anything else than graphically using the admin interface. So, the clue is..if functionality and templates already exists, then we have to get access to it..we need a more Open minded and sharing community than today..we need to get eZ publish to the users, not that every user have to dig into ez publish to invent the things again and again paying someone to do the job time after time or use to many resource from their own company to re-invent the weel. I know eZ publish is free, but when the demo comes with such little functionallity as today(and that's the fact), then we have to pay for developing our sites if we need functionality already existing(which is not available on costs of the final eZ publish site will then be just as high as if we bought a site from another cms-company which is charging for their system, but these systems have more available functionality. So, I see no saving costs using eZ publish if we don't get access to good already developed functionality. If something is developed, everyone should be able to get access to it (if the paying companies want to share). The clue is to develop everything only once if the code, templates etc. are good and secure. I like the flexibillity in eZ, and I'm really looking forward to get a more contributing also really looking forward to the next release of eZ publish with a better GUI and a a more user friendly structure-navigation. Hope that answered your question Alex.