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Summer conference discussion/suggestion summary

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Balazs Halasy

Wednesday 01 October 2003 7:34:18 am

The following article contains a rough summary of the notes that were taken during the discussion session at the eZ publish summer conference 2003:

Read through it, refresh your memories and feel free to discuss the various things/topics (preferably using this thread).

Sincerely Yours

Balazs Halasy / Allman

Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 01 October 2003 9:07:22 am


The summary is a little rough at the edges... I think the first thing to tackle is a proper categorisation of each items and where needed a small re-write to tidy it up. The final section definitely needs categorised.

Some items were discussed at length and it may be useful to summarise those in their own document. Maybe a link should be allowed for those items so that we can add and discuss them? Examples from the top of my head here are the online editor for linux, using bookmarks within profiles to help users find useful articles from the ez site, and so on. This information should be captured in a document.

Maybe we need a forum for this?


Paul Borgermans

Wednesday 01 October 2003 1:29:46 pm


We need a polling/voting thing (as it starts appearing now in svn) after a while to give feedback on what to prioritize in our view. I also think a phpBB style layout is needed for finding our way in this discussion

Below my broad categorisation attempt to the last section (future features of ez publish):

* Client like (like Ximian Evolution or WebSphere)
* Tasklist (outlook like)
* Project management
* Addresses (outlook like)
* File exchange between users
* VCard support
---comments on groupware:
Groupware needs to be user friendly, so I would pop in some other free to use items in DHTML to enhance GUI elements. I know ez does not want to depend on DHTML, but there are things that are very heavy to do in xhtml + php.

I need to state again that there is a need for custom defined variable passing between templates (to change the sort order for tables and lists for instance)

I think other extensions to the kernel/modules are pretty minimal.

===End user/editor features and enhancements===
* Spell checker
* "My section" or "My page"
* Home directory
* Online editor for Linux
* There should be a desktop edition for eZp3
* Easier way to link keywords to various stuff
* Better object relation
* WebDAV support for a lot of other things (articles, etc.)
There is substantial development needed here, except for "My page/Home"

===Developer stuff===
* SOAP (as a bridge to other applications and data)
* Flash (means better flash support for GUI tasks?)
* Some way of validating code that comes out of eZ publish (Que?)
* Dynamic roles & groups
* The code seems to be poorly documented
* Template versioning.
* WebDAV support for template up/downloading + a lot of other things (articles, etc.)
* A much better/more informative roadmap that clearly states eZ systems goals. A map that explains what we're going to do and how long we will stick with a structure, etc. Users have to know what happens, where and why. Key word: seemless integration.

===Configuration, setup and the likes ===
* Support for import/export of site
* All languages available from the admin interface using a dropdown box (webspehere)
* The database upgrade thing is not easy to use, not that easy to upgrade an eZp site from one version to another.
* Apache/MySQL/PHP setup should be MINIMIZED! (also goes for config file hacking)

* Comment (messages) to user group
* Better statistics/logging
* User objects (don't understand this)

===Missing with respect to my notes===
* Roles/permissions on attribute level
* Class inheritance of some sort (or at least "virtual" classes which are collections of other classes)
* speed enhancements (announced already for 3.3)
* more notification/collaboration handlers and types (also announced for 3.3)
* search engine improvements (try to find something back on without using google ... )


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Tony Wood

Thursday 02 October 2003 1:57:01 am

A lot of the ideas are here in bullet point fashion and it can appear like a "I want it all" wish list, but if we break them down into sizable chunks like Paul B has then we have a fighting chance or getting consensus on the items we "the community" need to move eZ forward.

First thing, could we have a link from the page to threads that relate to it.

IMHO for next conference these note should come out the week after so they are fresh in everyones mind, otherwise you loose momentum. It was a great conference and people want to hear quickly was went on so they can contribute and participate online if not in person.

I think most items are covered apart from:
* end user manual information for "user" not developers of the system.
* interoperability, eZ publish is not alone in the world of content management tools and it needs to connect to other tool and legacy systems. I think some kind of guide or discussion needs to be had to figure out the best "standard" way of achieving this.


Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
Experts in eZ Publish consulting & development

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Paul Forsyth

Thursday 02 October 2003 2:21:34 am

ez crew, is the summer conference document being rewritten and/or being moved to the documentation area so we can add to it?

i considered copying it over to there and adding better structure through sub-documents but what are your plans?


Paul Forsyth

Friday 03 October 2003 10:15:03 am

Any further comments on this from the community/ez?


Denis Brækhus

Friday 03 October 2003 2:31:49 pm

I agree it would be nice to be able to add / modify this document ! I can't see any reason the eZ crew would disagree ? :)

Jan Borsodi

Tuesday 07 October 2003 8:44:14 am

I think the continuation of the summer conference discussion is best done in the forums. Copy a suggestion and start a new thread for it, then people can discuss the suggestion until a solution becomes clearer. Some suggestion might have something in common and a new more general feature might arise.

If lots of people agree that it's a good suggestion someone can add it as a suggestion to the bug list. Referer to the suggestion item in the forum and the forum in the suggestion item.

