Forums / Suggestions / Sort By Price Missing!!!

Sort By Price Missing!!!

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César Camelo

Monday 25 September 2006 1:35:22 pm

We are working with ezPublish version 3.7.8. We ask us if, there is any way to sort by Price? Does anyone have some information about it?

Claudia Kosny

Monday 25 September 2006 1:52:01 pm

Hi Cesar

In EZ 3.8.3 sorting by price works fine, even though it is not in the documentation so I would suggest to just try it out (just like with any other attribute).

Greetings from Luxembourg


César Camelo

Tuesday 26 September 2006 2:39:18 pm

Thanks for you help, Claudia.

We are going to take a look on that to see if it can help us. Unfortunately we can upgrade our eZ version in this moment.
