Forums / Suggestions / Roadmap for 4.4. Any Ideas?

Roadmap for 4.4. Any Ideas?

Author Message

Jeroen van Duffelen

Thursday 25 February 2010 1:36:16 am

I also had the wish for a simplified default website interface... so I have already started building one. If there's any interest to pick this up as a community project let me know. It still needs a lot of work on optimizing but slowly it's getting somewhere!

For a quick demo of the website interface take a look here:

For two examples what's been build with this interface take a look here:


- (to be updated next week!)

paul bolger

Thursday 25 February 2010 3:08:56 am

Maybe we should be running a competition: Make an override ezwebin in which is fully backwards compatible, but which uses a simpler DOM and smaller stylesheets. Smallest file size wins.

Of course a new design wouldn't go astray either, but i think backwards compatibility and upgradability are paramount.

We should be aiming at one named wrapper for each template, in most cases any more is just indulgence.

Paul Bolger

Doug Brethower

Thursday 25 February 2010 12:11:32 pm


I think there could be a new forum (or similar way) of knowing “How to’s” that will lead us to know simple and complex tasks.

There are so many features in ez that trying to understand all is impossible so when a new challenge is faced in a new project that involves an ez site you end up with a headache just searching and joining all pieces of information together (and sometimes we end up with a not so good solution at all)

It will help the newbies and older users to know the possibilities that ez could add to their projects and ease the information flow of discovering things that we could do that goes beyond our current knowledge, it could help newbies to get ideas on how ez can solve problems and thus compare the advantages and disadvantages of ez with other open source CMS’s.

A topic in a forum (or else) of “How to’s” could have links to extensions, new projects arising, pieces of code… and if moderated have their own roadmap to follow and contribution by the audience.


I did my own howtos as I went. Does seem like a waste for others to build their own howtos instead of building on a foundation.

Nicolas already pointed out that any further discussion re newbie help logically fits in a different thread..


Doug Brethower
Apple Certified Technical Consultant, Southwest, MO USA

Igor Vrdoljak

Friday 26 February 2010 4:45:37 am

A few ideas:

  • REST / SOAP endpoints for integration with external systems (CRUD operations on content objects). There are a few extensions on this matter, but it would be nice if we had supported way of doing it
  • Drag / drop of objects in administration interface. It would be great if we could drag nodes from sub items block to content tree.
  • policies on attributes : +1
  • workflow improvment (more triggers) +1

Ronan Guilloux

Friday 26 February 2010 7:46:42 am

Good good ideas !

I add a big personal wish :

* Drag / drop datatypes re-ordering in class/edit view, that would immediatly refresh the content attribute priority id field's value

Ronan Guilloux

Björn [email protected]

Friday 26 February 2010 9:45:26 am

Spend more time on bringing the community patches into the core.

Nothing else so far.

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Ekkehard Dörre

Sunday 14 March 2010 12:30:52 am

Yes, I second Björns demand (Spend more time on bringing the community patches into the core.) and

#015700: eZ Flow ignores locations

This is ugly for the reuse of content for different sites with one online editorial department but different sites or for different channels. Since it is stored in the database this should be easy to implement.

Edit: Only style. - Over 40 years of certified eZ Publish know-how:
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Bertrand Dunogier

Sunday 14 March 2010 4:09:57 am


#015700: eZ Flow ignores locations

This is ugly for the reuse of content for different sites with one online editorial department but different sites or for different channels. Since it is stored in the database this should be easy to implement.


How exactly would you like to see that fixed ? How should the location be chosen ? Some UI when it gets chosen and has several location ? A "closest" location detector depending on the location of the currently edited frontpage ? Some INI configuration ?

Bertrand Dunogier
eZ Systems Engineering, Lyon

Paul Borgermans

Monday 15 March 2010 12:03:33 pm


#015700: eZ Flow ignores locations

This is ugly for the reuse of content for different sites with one online editorial department but different sites or for different channels. Since it is stored in the database this should be easy to implement.


How exactly would you like to see that fixed ? How should the location be chosen ? Some UI when it gets chosen and has several location ? A "closest" location detector depending on the location of the currently edited frontpage ? Some INI configuration ?


The issue reported is simple enough:

make sure objects with multiple locations can be added with the location from the result of the content/browse operation ... which could be a secondary location

eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Ekkehard Dörre

Tuesday 16 March 2010 1:30:56 am


  • portal 1 with eZ Flow frontpage
  • - news for 1
  • - - Article 1.1
  • - - Article 1.2 main node NodeID 345
  • - news for both
  • portal 2 eZ Flow frontpage
  • - news for 2
  • - - Article 2.1
  • - - Article 1.2 second node NodeID 456

You browse in portal 1 for - news for 1 - - Article 1.2 main node and ObjectID and NodeID 345 is stored.

You browse in portal 2 for - news for 2 - - Article 1.2 main node and ObjectID and NodeID 456 is stored.

Result: You'll have clean URLs:

Thanks and greetings - Over 40 years of certified eZ Publish know-how:
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Norman Leutner

Wednesday 17 March 2010 7:34:58 am


Policies on attributes : +1


Voting for policies on attribute level !
This is a MUST have !

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Best regards

Norman Leutner

eZ Publish Platinum Partner -

Hakim Bouras

Wednesday 24 March 2010 7:23:11 am


So here is my Christmas wishes list:

- to have an alternative to XML Block as rich-text solution. It is frustrating to be so limited with the current Online Editor because of the constrainsts of ezxmltext .
Andre did already a great work to prepare this new version of the Online Editor. But still, it remains not possible for a user to select the color of a text, or to apply many style changes in the same paragraph. In fact, it could be very nice to be able to provide to our end users an editor interface as easy to use as the one they can use anywhere else.
There might be a lot of good reasons to keep XML Block (features, existing data, ...) but maybe either adding a new datatype or an attribute ("strict") to the ezxmltext could be a way to propose an alternative for people looking for more flexible online editing solution

- easy way to update classes between dev and prod environment (when adding / updating / removing attributes)

- homogeneous way of overriding css, design, templates, settings... (so that there is a clear order of extension that we can safely use when building customizable multi-site installation)

- +1 for a dedicated shop extension

- +1 policies on attributes

Thanks for all the great work that you are doing to provide us with a very powerful tool.


Matthieu Sévère

Wednesday 24 March 2010 8:15:39 am


- to have an alternative to XML Block as rich-text solution. It is frustrating to be so limited with the current Online Editor because of the constrainsts of ezxmltext .



I am rather think that ezxmltext is one of the main advantage of eZ Publish ! For example in Drupal rich text stores directly HTML and you have no control on how the content is display on different media. It is a great lack for cross media publishing ! eZ Publish override systems will allow you to have for example an other way of displaying media on another siteaccess (let's say a mobile one) !

Cheers ;)

eZ certified developer:

Hakim Bouras

Wednesday 24 March 2010 8:59:32 am

Hi Matthieu,

>>For example in Drupal rich text stores directly HTML and you have no control on how the content is display on different media

I do understand this concern, although in my case it is more theorical than practical (since I never get to build another site access for another media - mobile, ...)

I was proposing to have an alternative, not to replace the XML Block (which may be useful for some use case as you stated).

I may be wrong, but I guess that there are probably more eZ sites that are delivered to only one media rather than to many. If so, it would then make sense to provide flexibility for these sites.


Matthieu Sévère

Wednesday 24 March 2010 9:15:29 am


I do understand this concern, although in my case it is more theorical than practical (since I never get to build another site access for another media - mobile, ...)

I was proposing to have an alternative, not to replace the XML Block (which may be useful for some use case as you stated).

I may be wrong, but I guess that there are probably more eZ sites that are delivered to only one media rather than to many. If so, it would then make sense to provide flexibility for these sites.


Ok, but I think there is lots of other arguments in favor of ezxml. For example, browsing the content tree and inserting any object as embed (with a dedicated template for embeded). Not sur you can do that with Drupal :)

But I understand that your talking about an alternative but I don"t really see the need ... (It reminds me that you can add a color picker in ezoe you should see ezoe.ini but I'm not sure)

eZ certified developer:

Erland Flaten

Wednesday 24 March 2010 2:37:24 pm

I would like 4.4 to have better documentation and tutorials for beginners. Charts, visualizations, A3 posters, screenrecordings of procedures etc.


A thing I like with EZ is the simple way to make new inputclasses. Its very easy to get new information into EZ. I would also like a similar way to get information out of EZ or at least some better explanations.

Erland Flaten
Lilllehammer, Norway

Gaetano Giunta

Saturday 24 April 2010 3:27:45 am

@original post: "allow extensions to install/deinstall tables and data when enabled/disabled"

This is getting closer in 4.3 already: the correct file for the new db tables is share/db_schema.dba. Once it is there, 1-enable the extension, then 2-go to system/update check/db consistency page. You will get a sql script suggesting to add the new tables

@Ivo: "export to csv functions for objects, collections,shop,..."

The closest is probably the convert-any-template-object-to-php-array tpl operator in ggxmlview, see:

@Mohamed: "Creating a dedicated (section/ tab / subtree) for custom settings and utility content objects in eZ Pulbish Admin interface"

The more I think of it, the more I am convinced we should use the design subtree for this. An available subtree of content, almost empty. Objects in there are not visible by default. You just need to: 1-assign create permissions for some content classes in the design section, 2-make this subtree visible by overriding the template used to display the left column in the design tab

@Nicolas: "more native workflows"

feel free to join the ezworkflowcollection effort

@Igor: "REST / SOAP endpoints for integration with external systems"

take a look at ezwebservicesapi. A step in the right direction, I think

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Ben Overmyer

Thursday 29 April 2010 8:34:01 am

For the love of all that's holy, PLEASE consider adding a unified upgrade path. Having to run a billion PHP and SQL scripts from, say, 4.0.0 to 4.3 is presently very, very error prone.

A single "Click to Upgrade" button, ala Wordpress, would be much safer and less time-consuming.

Kristof Coomans

Monday 12 July 2010 11:52:59 am

Gaetano, regarding the share/db_schema.dba that is now (eZ Publish 4.3 and higher) recognized by eZ Publish inside extensions, is there a way to generate that easily from an existing eZ Publish database, for just a certain predefined set of tables - the one belonging to the extension.

./bin/php/ezsqldumpschema.php currently does not seem to have an option to specify the tables to dump. Is there another script usable for this, or could ezsqldumpschema.php be enhanced so it accepts a list of tables? Such a feature would certainly help developers to get their extensions that still contain a .sql schema file up to date, and hopefully opens up the road for more cross-database compatible extensions.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Kristof Coomans

Monday 12 July 2010 11:55:18 am

Seems like I was looking in the right direction, as there is an enhancement request already: Unfortunately it hasn't been touched for a couple of months.

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