Forums / Suggestions / Please ensure online editor work with non-Microsoft software

Please ensure online editor work with non-Microsoft software

Author Message

Tony Wood

Tuesday 13 May 2003 8:07:03 am

A request really, I do not use Microsoft software and so cannot use the online editor. Can you please ensure the next relelases work for GNU/Linux users.

Tony Wood :
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Bård Farstad

Wednesday 14 May 2003 12:54:18 am

The online editor does only work with IE, since it uses an IE only extension. We cannot make OE work on other browsers, sorry.

However, we are investigating other possibilities so that we can support other browsers.

Our best suggestion for now is to make the desktop edition for 3.0. This will be platform independent.



Tony Wood

Wednesday 14 May 2003 1:25:47 am

Is there any timescale on DE Bård?

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
Experts in eZ Publish consulting & development

Power to the Editor!

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Bård Farstad

Wednesday 14 May 2003 1:40:08 am

We do not have a date for desktop edition for 3.0, yet.



Gabriel Ambuehl

Wednesday 14 May 2003 3:30:32 am

Is there a chance to get one or two professional licences in exchange for providing eZ with a OE that works with IE 5.5 (I think, 6, for sure) and Mozilla 1.3+?


Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 14 May 2003 3:37:01 am

Problem there Gabriel is that ez make revenue from their OE. For this to continue the OE would have to be theirs. Are you thinking of writing one and passing all rights to EZ? :)


Gabriel Ambuehl

Thursday 15 May 2003 1:44:17 am

I know.

But if I get paid for doing so, why not (and essentially, a pro licence is free for eZ anyway, unless they expect me to buy one which isn't going to happen anytime soon). I already have a quite nicely working prototype. Only the fact that I know that eZ relies on OE sales for income stopped me from contributing one so far.


Paul Forsyth

Thursday 15 May 2003 1:50:45 am

Fair enough :) Good luck

Ekkehard Dörre

Saturday 19 June 2004 3:40:34 am

Why develop a standalone DE?
I think there is a better way with Openoffice:

Openoffice is free, platform independent, with spell check and thesaurus in many languages. Apichanges are less than MS IE.

Images can easily included and stripped and then transformed by imagemagick.
SVG included. Webdav is possible.

Check in /-out via ezwebdav.
Generate e.g. Oowriter or .doc when downloading (on demand).
And we can change documents via Browser.

Web view takes only standard ez xmltags.
e.g. One ooo document is in ez:
(Structure in ez)
Is ooo content.xlm
Folder = heading 1 (Starting point of one ooo document)
Pages = heading 2
Sub pages = heading 3 ...;
Images = Image folder is ooo folder pictures

automatically created by ez:
ooo manifest.xml
ooo meta.xml ...

To-do: special too template with fits better to ez.
Advanced features like image thumb preview und file-browser can be added via SDK or use intern function:

Additional: Openoffice on Server can automatically open and save MSOffice and a lot of other formats. There are a lot snippets.

Additional: open pdf via with xml option.
Save PDF via ez or ghostscript etc.

Additional: Photoshop via imagemagick. To-do: Handle .psd with more than 1 layer.

new data type oooxml
webdav with user rights
Ooo extension ??

Open and close zip is no problem with soon in pear:

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