Forums / Suggestions / meta tag, rss and google

meta tag, rss and google

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Fernando MarinĂ²

Wednesday 30 September 2009 1:50:18 am

hello folks!

I'm experiencing the first site built on top of ezp and that is good, but google tells me some problems regarding rss and meta tags. About rss it say that there is a syntax error, using the 2.0 version. This result in the impossibilities to use it into google reader.

The second issue is about the meta tag. For better indexing by search engine is better to have custom keywords and description for each page. Google webmaster tools mark as an error pages with the same meta keywords and description. I think the better solution is to set these parameters by extracting it from the current content node. If not avaible use defaults in site.ini.

I'm using ezp 4.1

Gaetano Giunta

Wednesday 30 September 2009 4:17:03 am

For meta tags in your html headers, you have basically a couple of options, but there will be some coding required

- add them in some custom ini files, and alter the pagelayout template to read those ini files and echo the appropriate meta-tags depending on node url; easy to code, hard to maintain

- add some html_meta attributes to your classes, and use them in the pagelayout template. To avoid fetching again the current node in your pagelayout template on every page view, optimize this by using a cache block or, even better, the persistent_variable; a bit harder to setup (you will need to add the same attributes to all your content classes) but it will allow editors to manage those meta tags.

As an alternative, you can look up extensions on or One that seems to fit your bill is

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

tomislav tomislav

Friday 23 October 2009 4:23:05 am


is it possible to add photo to RSS?
