Forums / Suggestions / Leave up 2.2.x bugs, forums, docs, etc. as searchable apart from 3.x

Leave up 2.2.x bugs, forums, docs, etc. as searchable apart from 3.x

Author Message

RW Wood

Sunday 26 October 2003 10:00:57 am

While I believe the ezCrew is doing a fantastic job at developing 3.x, I wish they had not so summarily taken down so much of the 2.2.x documentation and support tools. If I do a search of the site for posts concerning the older version, most of the posts have to do with 3.x, and therefore are useless.

In light of a professed vow to continue to support 2.2.x and the many people who may be using it and can't switch because of modules not yet functional in 3.3, or just a preference for "how it works", it would really be great to have all that info in a separate section of the site dedicated to strictly 2.2. Since version 3 is able to run multiple sites, even having an entire site for each version would not seem to out of the question and not hard to maintain.

Perhaps all those forum posts and bug reports are already trashed, but if not, it would be of great benefit to have them back.
