Forums / Suggestions / Hard Register now seen not to work in commerce sites

Hard Register now seen not to work in commerce sites

Author Message

Tony Wood

Thursday 15 January 2009 2:04:43 am

Hi Guys,

Can we review the Register process in the eZ Publish core.

We now have more and more proof to show that what people really want is a "soft" register for ecommerce sites. So they enter there details and then at the end be given the option to Register using the details entered.
eZ has some of this with the no register order facility, but it would make sense to integrate a register feature into this. So it would be nice to be able to turn this on as an option.

Here is some reference Material
How Changing a Button Increased a Site's Annual Revenues by $300 Million

It's hard to imagine a form that could be simpler: two fields, two buttons, and one link. Yet, it turns out this form was preventing customers from purchasing products from a major e-commerce site, to the tune of $300,000,000 a year. What was even worse: the designers of the site had no clue there was even a problem.

The designers fixed the problem simply. They took away the Register button. In its place, they put a Continue button with a simple message: "You do not need to create an account to make purchases on our site. Simply click Continue to proceed to checkout. To make your future purchases even faster, you can create an account during checkout."

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
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Thursday 15 January 2009 5:04:55 am

Tony this is a very resonable idea.

I would probably do it with some workflow event that runs after shop user register page and creates a new user content object.

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Tony Wood

Thursday 15 January 2009 5:09:25 am

That would work.. All we need is a tick box for. "Save me typing all this next time"

We can generate the username based on the email and automatically create a password.

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
Experts in eZ Publish consulting & development

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