Forums / Suggestions / Greatly improved bug feedback

Greatly improved bug feedback

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Paul Forsyth

Thursday 03 July 2003 5:30:31 am

Are there plans to improve the way bugs are handled in the future?

I've just read the 3.2 release plan and notice that, like with the 3.1 release plan, all known bugs will be fixed for that release. Since that hasn't happened with 3.1 (although a lot were fixed...) it would be very nice to get feedback on what the state of affairs are with current outstanding bugs.

Tools such as bugzilla allow users to see developers comments and add to the conversation. I think the current bug reports needs more transparency since we cannot see:

- if anyone is working on a bug
- what they think of it
- whether its likely to get fixed for the next release
- etc, etc.

This is in addition to a ui revamp.

What do ez use internally for handling bugs? I can't believe ez would use the bug interface.


Bård Farstad

Thursday 03 July 2003 6:29:25 am

We will improve the bugdatabase on We just need some of the 3.2 features for the bugdatabase. We will most likely get this done in the testing period of 3.2, where we will upgrade and test out the filtering and sorting functionality. UI will also get an overhaul then.

SVN commit log will also be added again, we had to remove it because of problems with svn. This will come.

Internally we used to use eZ publish 2.2 and other systems like excel spreadsheets. Mostly we use an internal mailinglist, we are trying to get more and more of this information out on



Tony Wood

Tuesday 08 July 2003 3:53:41 am

One thing that would be nice is, my bugs list, so you can track the progress on the bugs that you posted.

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
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