Forums / Suggestions / Graph operator

Graph operator

Author Message

Gunnstein Lye

Tuesday 01 July 2003 5:14:52 am

An operator that draws a graph, based on numerical input. Should use an existing graph library internally. Useful for instance together with a poll module. E.g: graph( dataset, settings ), like for instance:
graph( array( array( 'header 1', 'header 2', 'header 3' ), array( 23,87,32 ), array( 67,9,78 ), array( 43,87,33 ) ), hash( type, 'vertical bars', hsize, 400, vsize, 300 ) );

Paul Borgermans

Tuesday 01 July 2003 5:20:58 am

That's the one: very powerful. Now a project / package /task set of classes in ez publish and you can create Gantt charts and the likes .. make module writing one of the course topics on the 18th of august please.


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Paul Forsyth

Tuesday 01 July 2003 6:07:45 am

Definitely need a wishlist for new ez features now :)

Gunnstein Lye

Tuesday 01 July 2003 9:05:58 am

Paul B.,

You don't actually need to make a module to do this, I think. You just need the operator(s). JpGraph looks great, btw.

Paul Borgermans

Tuesday 01 July 2003 9:19:50 am

Ahh, perhaps I'll learn something new: can you pass/return arrays as arguments/results with template operators?

That would create the possibility for simple graphs ...


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Gunnstein Lye

Wednesday 02 July 2003 5:38:16 am

Yes, you can pass/return any data type.