Forums / Suggestions / Forum fixes

Forum fixes

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Nathan Kelly

Wednesday 21 September 2005 11:01:26 pm

Hi, just going to bring the forums back into the spotlight here.

This idea may be a little hard to enforce but it would make searching for a solution to a problem a lot more direct.

I have found on countless occasions when looking for answers that a lot of threads end with:

"Thanks, I finally got it working..."

It would be much better for the community in general if forum threads ended with something along the lines of:

"Thanks, I finally got it working. This is what I did... Explanation follows..."

As I said I know this is hard to enforce, it comes down to the individual to decide if the information they have could help others in the future. However I think you could encourage people to share the info not only in the forum rules but additionally if you give them an option within the thread (or reply screen) that states something along the lines of:

Did the suggestions expressed in this thread solve your problem? [yes]

So if you click the [yes] button you are taken to the post screen and prompted with:

If you have solved you problem, why not share the solution with others?

Once you post your reply the word [SOLVED] is appended to the thread title, this way people will know the best places to start looking when they have a similar question.

This suggestion comes down to community values, members of the community obviously need to have some consideration for others with similar issues if they decide to use a feature like this.

However I think it could make a big difference to the amount of repeat questions that currently exist with no solutions.


Pardon me while I burst into flames...