Forums / Suggestions / "collected_info_count" - design/datatype/doc inconsistency?

"collected_info_count" - design/datatype/doc inconsistency?

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Paul Wilson

Saturday 04 March 2006 4:04:55 am

Perhaps there is a gap in the documentation &/or design of the "collected_info_count" function and, in particular, the "value" parameter.

The "collected_info_count" function allows the following parameters:

fetch( 'content', 'collected_info_count',
       hash( [ 'object_attribute_id', object_attribute_id, ]
             [ 'object_id',           object_id,           ]
             [ 'value',               value                ] ) )

In this function, the 'value' parameter only accepts <b>integers</b>. (ref documentation, see below).

<b>HOWEVER There is no integer datatype capable of information collection</b> (ref: documentation, see below), so there is no possibility of matching an integer value. This appears to mean that, other than for the ezoption datatype, the 'value' parameter is unusable.

I have been trying to use "collected_info_count" to either count the number of times an information collection attribute matches a string value (eg a standardized response for a survey - "acceptable", "very good", etc).

EZ Crew or anyone - is this analysis correct? Is there a way around it?


<b>Core Suggestion:</b>
- Extend "collected_info_count" function "value" parameter to allow counting of information collection attributes that match string values.

"collected_info_count" -

"information collector datatypes" -