Forums / Suggestions / Bug in flat_left template ?

Bug in flat_left template ?

Author Message

Benoit Schumacher

Friday 06 June 2008 3:23:00 am

Hi, I realized that the header link in the left navigation pointed to the root of the site when a user was viewing the top lvl of that menu. (im using EzPublish 4.0)

I had to fix it using this in an overide:

<h4><a href={if eq( $ui_context, 'browse' )}{if $module_result.path[$pagerootdepth|inc]} {concat("content/browse/", $module_result.path[$pagerootdepth].url)|ezurl}  {else}{/if}{else}{if $module_result.path[$pagerootdepth|inc]} {$module_result.path[$pagerootdepth].url_alias|ezurl} {else}{/if}{/if}>{$module_result.path[$pagerootdepth].text}</a></h4>

the original code:

<h4><a href={if eq( $ui_context, 'browse' )}{concat("content/browse/", $module_result.path[$pagerootdepth].url)|ezurl}  {else} {$module_result.path[$pagerootdepth].url_alias|ezurl} {/if}>{$module_result.path[$pagerootdepth].text}</a></h4>