Thursday 21 August 2003 1:54:59 am
I run into this problem almost every time I set up a site. Especially when I create menus and nagivation elements that rely on section or node information. Would it be possible to allow the user to create instances of the modules anywhere in the node tree through the admin interface? I'm thinking that in addition to the list of classes when you create new objects you could also have a list of modules. That way you could create separate logins or searches for separate sections on the site and they would each inherit the section and permission information for that area of the site. From a user point of view it makes sense that anything you can view on the site also has a physical placement within the site structure, and from an administration point of view it would make things much easier since any type of object could be treated the same way. It should also be possible to create separate override templates for each instance of the module and its related templates.
Daniel Staver