Sunday 22 June 2003 6:36:43 am
Bård - as I see it in ezpub3, the philosophy has been to recognize basic patterns and then implement those. I mean what is the profound difference between a user and an article from a programming perspective ? In ezpub3 the answer is simple: There are no profound diffencies - they are both just collections of data. In fact when I started out doing a betting site - I wanted to do something similar - but quickly realised that there were NO WAY I could implement it within the given timeframe - so I went and used ezpub 2.x.x instead :) The country datatype that I've provided here is very simple - but in fact it holds all the patterns of an even more generic datatype (the one I call 'list') The (hypothetical) 'list' datatype is basically providing the same functionality as the (implemented) 'enum' datatype. But it doesn't hit the database - instead it holds it's list-items in text files. Thus it performs much better. When I get some more time - I'll take a stab at the 'list' datatype - but I need to get aquainted with the translation libs of ezpub3. The thing that worries me is with long lists (like a country list) you want as little processing as possible. So maybe you'd have to circumvent the i18 (or is i10? ) libs and simply have the lists in the locale folder. Circumventing the translation libs would introduce a new element in the ezpub3 architechture - hmmm lost sight of my point :) Just trying to say that something like this would be very valuable and worth some consideration. Hehehe - did I ask a question or did I just think aloud ? When I get some time I'll look into this (hopefully)