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Tony Wood

Friday 19 June 2009 4:04:36 am

Can we create the User journeys for the admin interface and share / incoprotate the community.

* Quick edit/add
* Long article edit/add
* Managing Users (for 5 ranging to 100,000 +)
* Updating images

This would help us get the front end and back end matching the user needs for small and large editorial teams.

This information would need to come from editors and partners who can gather the requirement over time. All we need a single survey form and we can collate the results. A kind of "if you contribute" you get the "UX report" kind of thing.

Maybe we can find some time to discuss at the conference. We need a rocking admin interface that fulfils the needs of the editor and publishing teams.

Note: A single field front end editor would just make my day.

Tony Wood :
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Andrew Duck

Friday 19 June 2009 4:11:20 am

Why did you end up picking YUI over jQuery?

Andrew Duck, Executive Director, Quiqcorp Limited
eZ Certified Developer and Trainer.
Member of the Community Project Board |

Tony Wood

Friday 19 June 2009 4:19:35 am

Not ended. Maybe we should split the thread.

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
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Ekkehard Dörre

Friday 19 June 2009 4:42:00 am

This is a nice idea Tony,

what do you think of making the survey more detailed?

Fields for the survey:

* Which JS-Framework and why?
* Which CSS-Framework and why?
* New Features
* Improvements speed technical
* Read more:
* Read more: the rbgadmin
* Improvements speed editorial process (less clicks)
* Improvements usability

* Read more:
* Read more:

* Improvements user management (e.g. user search: is active, is hidden, is idiot ...)

and for the detailed discussion on which JS Framework, please use a new thread, or after the survey or in Paris.

ekke - Over 40 years of certified eZ Publish know-how:
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André R.

Friday 19 June 2009 4:50:09 am

> Why did you end up picking YUI over jQuery?

More modular and the fact that several important/needed extensions are supported by Yahoo, you'll need to roll your own or use 3. party stuff to get the same level of functionality in jquery.
And with 3.0, most of the reasons why one would choose jquery over Yui are gone or weak(Have you seen the new syntax? It's as mentioned closer to jquery and far easier to work with then yui 2.x).
And the fact that it supports running several version, while not 100% optimal, would both aid large dev teams that continually improve existing sites with new large features, as well as our extension ecosystem.

And we already use yui in webin / flow.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Tony Wood

Friday 19 June 2009 4:55:04 am

Hi Ekke,

I would probably get the "What are we looking to do", " what problems are we looking to help with", "What are the current problems" out in the open and resolved first. This would enable us to have some real meat to get our teeth stuck into for when we pick the technology and interface solutions (Jquery / YUI / Google Web kit) etc. as this information might help with the tool that is chosen.

I for one would like offline editing or local cache (gears or the like) this would really help with large installations where corporate bandwidth is tight.

So, what are the problems we are looking to solve folks?

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
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Ekkehard Dörre

Friday 19 June 2009 5:04:02 am

Hi Tony,

this (your) way is a good approach, let's do it this way. What do the others think about? And is there a chance to get a survey?

ekke - Over 40 years of certified eZ Publish know-how:
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Tony Wood

Friday 19 June 2009 5:07:43 am

Hi Ekke,

I have a SurveyMonkey account we can use..

All we need are some questions.

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
Experts in eZ Publish consulting & development

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Ekkehard Dörre

Friday 19 June 2009 5:35:52 am

Hi Tony, hi all,

first draft of the survey questions, please correct and add something:

Which of the following user types most accurately describes you?
* Technical user
* Manager
* Project lead
* Editorial user
* Community user
- Comment

Please rate your level of experience with the eZ Publish administration interface?
* Novice _ _ _ _ _ Expert
- Comment

Overall, how satisfied are you with the eZ Publish administration interface?
* Very Dissatisfied _ _ _ _ _ Very Satisfied
- Comment

Which part/task/action in your daily work with the eZ Publish administration interface makes you angry?
- Comment

What are your ideas to improve this?
- Comment

What features are missing to speed up your work?
- Comment

What features are missing to make your life more happy with the eZ Publish administration interface?
- Comment

If you had €500 to invest in improving the usability and quality of the eZ Publish administration interface, where would you distribute this amount first and second?
- Comment first
- Comment second

ekke - Over 40 years of certified eZ Publish know-how:
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Tony Wood

Friday 19 June 2009 6:02:00 am

Great questions!

How does this look

Any changes?

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
Experts in eZ Publish consulting & development

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André R.

Friday 19 June 2009 6:13:26 am

This looks promising, but one thing, if we go for the "100 healing points" route, then I think it will be a mistake to scope it to only the admin interface, as we should identify such healing points globally for (all parts of) the CMS as well.

But getting good feedback on what is annoying with the current admin interface and suggestions for what could make it better and more productive is a very good thing anyway, as we know its one of the big ones.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Tony Wood

Friday 19 June 2009 6:22:01 am

Hi André,

I agree, all areas need this and they need to be ongoing. However, if we take this small fist step then the others become easier.

Great news on the known issues, can you please list them here so we can as a community discuss and comments (Sorry if you have them posted elsewhere)


Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
Experts in eZ Publish consulting & development

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Ekkehard Dörre

Friday 19 June 2009 6:31:09 am

Hi Tony,

I'll put it into my footer,

eZ Publish administration interface usability improvement survey ;-)

ekke - Over 40 years of certified eZ Publish know-how:
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Tony Wood

Friday 19 June 2009 6:55:45 am

Me too.. all added will tweet too

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
Experts in eZ Publish consulting & development

Power to the Editor!

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Gaetano Giunta

Tuesday 23 June 2009 3:24:40 am

Which part/task/action in your daily work with the eZ Publish administration interface makes you angry?
- Comment

What are your ideas to improve this?
- Comment

What features are missing to speed up your work?
- Comment

What features are missing to make your life more happy with the eZ Publish administration interface?
- Comment

Are not these questions too similar one another?

As for expansion of scope, I'd say we could extend it to frontend editing, but no more...

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Tony Wood

Tuesday 23 June 2009 3:29:59 am

What are your suggestions for questions?

I would value your input

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
Experts in eZ Publish consulting & development

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Maxime Thomas

Wednesday 22 July 2009 11:00:38 am

Hi fellows !

I've read this thread very carefully and ... will that finally happen ????

Some tracks to follow :

* You may use the jQuery UI library, it's very powerfull, compliant with major browsers and you can theme the library. I've used it already on two projects and customers who are technophiles loved the result.

* You can do some better stuff for developpers : for example the debug block at the end of the page

* You can improve also the way to browse the content when the user is not in a browsing context. Today, adding a content with a relation is a pain and you need at least 6 clicks to publish something... To reduce this, you can use some shortcuts like tags or search facilities (already done in OE5, but needed to spread).

* Please provide some nice INI conf file to easily change or customize the back office (see in Symfony...).

Hope it will help. However it's a great new ! Refreshing design is always a good part.


Maxime Thomas | |

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Carlos Revillo

Wednesday 22 July 2009 1:35:40 pm

Maxime said

* You can improve also the way to browse the content when the user is not in a browsing context. Today, adding a content with a relation is a pain and you need at least 6 clicks to publish something... To reduce this, you can use some shortcuts like tags or search facilities (already done in OE5, but needed to spread).

i'm quite agree with this. for objectrelation is a bit tedious to find what you're looking specially when you have a lot of content that can be related.

For trying to do it more friendly to editors, we're doing overrides of the objectrelationlist.tpl edit template and using ajax autocomplete to get the contents.
just an idea :)

best regards.

Fredrik Ardmar

Friday 16 October 2009 7:09:33 pm

Hi again

Sorry for the long absence from the discussion. Lots of projects little time..

Two weeks ago we started to use an online Accounting system at

My colleague, that has very limited computer experience was in charge of setting up the system and making sure all data was entered correctly. After 1 week, no training, basically no questions, I got a mail saying it was all done.

The point is that, the same person has at various times helped out with entering content for clients in the eZ admin interface. Then we experience a very steep learning curve and lots of questions. I needed to personally sit down for hours and explain how to do it. Even after that she does not feel very secure in using the system.

In my mind, adding content for a website should not be harder that doing accounting:)
It should probably be the other way around..

I would definitely recommend you guys to have a look at They have a free trial. Not for the software in itself but for how they have managed to make accounting so simple.

If we could do the same for eZ it would be a lot easier for me to sell the system to our clients.


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Paul Borgermans

Saturday 17 October 2009 1:42:22 am

While the admin backend may seem a bit daunting, did you consider the ez website toolbar (in 4.2 this is separated from the ezwebin package). This is made for adding/editing content in a simple way

Direct download:


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training