Friday 14 January 2011 12:40:35 pm
Thanks a lot for your advices. I really appreciate it and i'm sure, others will, too! I had some time now to install eclipse and the smile and ezclipse plugins. I also installed the smile extension (smileclasses) on an ez 4.4 site. Look fine to me. Now: I get the XML output from smileclasses and i can create a view named "Classes View" in Eclipse. But i cannot find the box where i shall enter the URL as described in Paul Wilsons documentation from 2007 in Page 15. So, how do i tell the "Classes View" view on where to get it's data from? Gaetano: Your shameless self-promotion did not include the path to your project: . It looks very nice to me for debugging values, so i don't see too much connection to the "Classes" view in smileclasses. But i will definitly give this a try, too :) Now, i have 3 ezPublish Template editors in Eclipse: "ez TPL Editor", "JAC ez Template Editor" and "Smile TPL editor". From a first look, they seem to differ in the syntax highlighting. What else? I read about "auto-completion", but i could not find this "in action" yet. Any hints? Which TPL file editor shall i use and where can i determine the default one in Eclipse (that all new to me). I guess, I should create a PHP project for each ez site, yes? Or is there some better Project type? I didn't find an "ez site" project or so. Last, but not least: How do I use "Var Browser for exploring the $node variable." from ezclipse? Thanks in Advance!