Forums / Setup & design / Working with ezflow and templates

Working with ezflow and templates

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Alejandro Dominguez

Monday 07 February 2011 1:56:03 am

Hello guys,

I'm starting to design the template of my ezpublish site and I have some doubts.

For the frontpage I want to use a newspaper style, so I think this can be done with ezflow. For each category of my news I want a blog layout and here is where I have the doubts. For the frontpage I use a the frontpage type but for this blog style... Should I use the frontpage with a layout or a non ezflow template?



Thiago Campos Viana

Monday 07 February 2011 4:08:53 am

If you want a blog template style for each category, why not use a blog?

eZ Publish Certified Developer:


Alejandro Dominguez

Monday 07 February 2011 5:15:30 am

uhmm... I made a stupid question :$ I forgot that type. Thanks!

I have another question about working with ezflow and templates. I create a custom class for my articles and I would like to show it in a block of ezflow, so I have created a copy of the article.tpl which is stored in extension/ezflow/design/ezflow/override/ and call it identifier_of_my_class.tpl but I when I create a block with this new class items adn I can't see them. รง

I have been debugging the templates render for the pages and this templates isn't been rendered. Any ideas of what should I do?

Thiago Campos Viana

Monday 07 February 2011 5:25:46 am

Did you changed your template overrride settings ( settings/siteaccess/your_siteaccess_name/override.ini.append.php )? You also need check if you choosed the correct template to override ( line, full, inline, embed, and so on ).

Clear the cache.

eZ Publish Certified Developer:


Alejandro Dominguez

Tuesday 08 February 2011 2:14:56 am

It seems the fail was the template override settings. I'm going to try this.

Thanks Thiago for your answers :)