Forums / Setup & design / ViewCache & Get Parameters

ViewCache & Get Parameters

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H-Works Agency

Friday 28 January 2011 8:52:08 am

Hello Everyone,

How can i setup ViewCaching on a node a per uri_string basis ?

It mean i wan't to each node url_alias + get parameters to the key for the cache.

Is it possible ?

Can i use a cache-block ?

EZP is Great

Guillaume Kulakowski

Friday 28 January 2011 9:56:15 am

It's not possible. The view caching system is based on PATH_INFO. Any informations after ? is not interpreted.

My blog : (not in eZ Publish ;-))
eZC on RHEL :
eZC on Fedora : just "yum install php-channel-ezc"

H-Works Agency

Friday 28 January 2011 11:06:48 am

Ok thanx for those informations.

But what about a cache-block ? Would it be able to make a per uri cache ?

EZP is Great

Peter Keung

Friday 28 January 2011 3:03:46 pm

The proper way with respect to caching is to use view parameters instead of GET parameters:


Caching is unique per combination of view parameters.

If you really really needed to do so, you could disable view caching for that node and then use a GET parameter as one of the cache block keys.
Mugo Web, eZ Partner in Vancouver, Canada

H-Works Agency

Monday 31 January 2011 11:33:07 am

If it can help someone this is how i cached my view with Get Parameters and it seems to work pretty good :

{set-block variable=cache_ttl}0{/set-block}

{def $key=$node.node_id
$extraNodeID=ezini('Search', 'extraNodeID', 'variables.ini')

{if ezhttp_hasvariable('filter', 'get')}
{set $key=concat($key, ezhttp( 'filter', 'get' )|implode(''))}

{if ezhttp_hasvariable('activeFacets', 'get')}
{set $key=concat($key, ezhttp( 'activeFacets', 'get' )|implode(''))}

{set $key=$key|md5()}

{if is_set($extraNodeID[0])}
{set $extraNodeID=$extraNodeID[0]}

{cache-block keys=array($key, $view_parameters.offset) subtree_expiry=$extraNodeID}

After this i have my normal interface DOM.

This template is special because my content class hold a 'query' attribute to allow dynamic content selection with ezfind.

Thats why i use facets GET parameters for now.

EZP is Great

Bertrand Dunogier

Monday 31 January 2011 12:56:20 pm

To maximize performances, and if you don't have too many variations, it might be worth using view parameters (node/(filter)/xxx) + some javascript / CSS for the active facets in order to still benefit from View Caching.

Bertrand Dunogier
eZ Systems Engineering, Lyon