Ćukasz Serwatka
Wednesday 02 March 2005 12:46:46 am
Hi Daniela, You can use
and mathematics operators to count the price for product class. http://ez.no/ez_publish/documentation/reference/template_operators/mathematics To display all attributes ezprice datatype you can use
Personal website -> http://serwatka.net
Blog (about eZ Publish) -> http://serwatka.net/blog
Daniela Moreno
Wednesday 02 March 2005 11:44:23 am
oh goodness, im so confused where do i do this? see, the situation is that its not calculating the price incl vat right, lets say for example, i have a $100 product excluding VAT, and my VAT is 15%, but when it displays the price including VAT, it shows me $117.65 instead of displaying $115.00. Ive been trying to find the template or file where the operations are, i found this operation: "$incVATPrice = $this->Price * ( $vatPercent + 100 ) / 100;" on /var/www/html/jarweb/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezprice/ezprice.php. I tried to change the operation because that one is wrong, but it didnt work; maybe im not changing the right file?
Help, please. I really need to solve this, im working on a deadline. Thanx a lot for your help!