Forums / Setup & design / User list/directory using template files

User list/directory using template files

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Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh

Monday 04 August 2008 8:34:22 am

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a page that would list all users from a usergroup of ez publish.
I've been able to list names, and custom attributes with:
{def $user_members_node_id = 12

$list_items=fetch('content', 'list', hash( 'parent_node_id', $user_members_node_id,
'offset', $view_parameters.offset,
'class_filter_type', 'include',
'class_filter_array', array('user'),
'limit', $page_limit ) )

<ul class="item-list">
{foreach $list_items as $users}
{node_view_gui view=user_list content_node=$users}

Then in the node/view/user_list.tpl:
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.data_map.address_1}<br/>

But one thing I wanted but can't do is retreive the email address of that user.
The email field is not an attribute stored in ezcontentobject_attribute table but in the email field of ezuser.

Anyone has an idea how, from my tpl file, to retreive that email info from the ezuser table?


Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh

Monday 04 August 2008 9:34:27 am

Found the answer:
{section var=Attributes loop=$node.object.contentobject_attributes}
{if $|ne("")}