Forums / Setup & design / User group summary information

User group summary information

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Karl H

Sunday 05 August 2007 7:32:19 pm


We've got a members site, where we have a page on which we'd like to output information about the membership. There are three parts:

1. Number of members
2. Countries with members and members per country
3. Individual preference

The first one wasn't a problem, and we're now displaying the number of members, but with the other two I'm struggling. A little more info:

We have a user class - 30 - where the #country# attribute is 10. I don't know how to fetch a country list and then only output the ones which is actually selected by at least one member. Then secondly, output the number of members for that coutry rather than having to repeat a country name if there is more than one member there.

The third part above, is again from the same user class, but this time a single choice selection attribute (10). Again, I'd like to output a list of the ones which have been selected by at least one member and then list the number of member's having selected each one, next to them.

Would be very happy to hear some ideas!
