Forums / Setup & design / user[at]home[dot]com


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Valentin Svelland

Monday 21 July 2003 5:16:55 am

Is there a trick to get emailadresses to display properly? Now it's displayed as user[at]home[dot]com.. It's clickable and the mailto: works fine, but it's not displayed with @ and regulad dots '.'.

Another user also posted this question under /developer earlier, but got not feedback..

Bjørn Kaarstein

Monday 21 July 2003 5:36:26 am

You could try this...

In your site.ini.append.php, change




Find out which template is used (probably a standard-template).
Copy this to your corresponding override folder, and alter the template to suite your needs.

Regards Bjørn

Valentin Svelland

Monday 21 July 2003 5:47:37 am

Thanks again Bjørn, the debugging worked out:

To others with the same problem, turn on debug as described in previous messagen in this thread - in my case the file called was : design/standard/override/templates/content/datatype/view/ezauthor.tpl

I copied this to my designs corresponding folder and modified the last {$|wash(mail)} to {$|wash(xhtml)}. Voila!

End result:

{section name=Author loop=$attribute.content.author_list sequence=array(bglight,bgdark) }
{$|wash(xhtml)} - ( <a href="mailto:{$|wash(xhtml)}">{$|wash(xhtml)}</a> )
