Forums / Setup & design / User and permission handling buggy?

User and permission handling buggy?

Author Message

Claus Jensen

Wednesday 28 January 2004 6:15:08 am

Im having problems when I add some new attributes to my user class and save it. I had a permission set that was working before, but now it seems that it doesn't work any more, because Im getting "no access" when I just minutes before the update was able to see the content.

Here is my role permission settings for the anonymous user, one of the users that suddenly can't see any content after the update of the user class:
user login *
content read Subtree( Offentlig informasjon fra Pandagruppen ) , Class( Folder , Info page , Link , File , Comment , Image , Forum , Forum message , Product , Product review )
search * *
user password *
bulkmail * *
content read Node( Offentlig informasjon fra Pandagruppen )

Has anybody else experienced this? Any hints or clues is greatly appreciated.

My system: ezpublish 3.2.4, red hat linux 8, php 4.3.4, mysql 4.0.17.


James Packham

Wednesday 28 January 2004 6:23:32 am

I've had similar problems in the past:

When I'd update settings for one of my roles and click store all the role settings would dissapear for that role. When I looked in the database the permissions were there, but duplicated several times. In the end I figured out that I could fix it by running the database clean script in update/common/scripts/. As usual I'd recommend you back up your database first though :) It seemed my problem was caused by a buggy database upgrade script, though I don't know which one as it'd been updated many times.

Hope this helps,

