Forums / Setup & design / update to ez 3.10 has produced a problem with my url aliases

update to ez 3.10 has produced a problem with my url aliases

Author Message

George Michaelides

Saturday 01 December 2007 8:21:06 am

Would be grateful to whoever can help me on this. Have updated my site to 3.10 from 3.9.2 and it seems that my urlaliases that I had in the old system don't work properly. I created them again to be sure (node url aliases) but they still give me the same problem. Feel free to try it for yourselves.

should go to

but instead gives

I've tried all variations of URLTranslator settings and ran the updateniceurls script but to no avail. Also checked the ezurlalias tables and they seem to have correct entries.

Any help would be appreciated.