Forums / Setup & design / Understanding Image/Thumbnail functionnalities ? Help :)

Understanding Image/Thumbnail functionnalities ? Help :)

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H-Works Agency

Saturday 16 April 2005 6:53:23 am

Hi all,

After a lot of search in the doc, i am still not understanding the way EZP 3.5+ handles image compression and thumbnailing.

When does the compression process occurs ? Where thoses files are stored ?

What is the difference between var/sitename/../images and images-versionned ?

Why entering new AliasList[] description in my siteaccess/../image.ini doesn't have the effect of building each AliasList[] entrie during admin image upload ?

Does thoes compressions and multiple copies described in siteacess/../image.ini occurs when the image is uploaded through the admin OR when the specific AliasList[] entries are called in public template ?

Thanx all - Martin

EZP is Great

Jan Borsodi

Wednesday 27 April 2005 12:48:30 am

> When does the compression process occurs ? Where thoses
> files are stored ?

Do you mean compression or scaling?
The compression is handled by either ImageMagick or the GD extension and depends on the image format (some doesn't have compression).

Scaling is done when calling the ImagMagick executable (or in PHP code when using GD).
These files are stored inside the <i>var/storage</i> directory in a subdirectory depending on if it is in a version or not.

> What is the difference between var/sitename/../images and
> images-versionned ?
<i>/images</i> is used when the object is published, it will place the image in a path taken from the URL alias of the object.
<i>/images-versioned</i> is used when editing an object (ie a specific version), at that time the path is not known and the image is stored only under the object/version combination.

> Why entering new AliasList[] description in my
> siteaccess/../image.ini doesn't have the effect of
> building each AliasList[] entrie during admin image
> upload ?
I'm not sure what you mean here. Which description are you referring to?
Do you mean that the list of aliases is not updated when uploading the new image?

> Does thoes compressions and multiple copies described in
> siteacess/../image.ini occurs when the image is uploaded
> through the admin OR when the specific AliasList[] entries
> are called in public template ?

Scaling is done on the original image when it is uploaded if it is defined, if not it is only moved.
For the rest of the aliases it is done the first time it is accessed by the template or PHP code.



H-Works Agency

Wednesday 27 April 2005 9:15:53 am

I understand now the way EZP handle images.

AliasList[] entries are build (either by ImageMagic | GD) first time its called by a template (either in admin | public site).

Thanks a lot for those infos.

EZP is Great