Forums / Setup & design / Two questions: "footer" design and calendar

Two questions: "footer" design and calendar

Author Message

Dorothy Adams

Thursday 30 March 2006 6:46:13 am

Hi folks,

I'm new to ezpublish and am still working towards gaining a better understanding of the system. The documentation has answered many questions so far, but I'm stumped on a couple of issues.

First, I'm trying to insert a background picture into a "footer" area in my template. I've been trying to do this through the site-colors stylesheet, but without any luck. So far I've tried to use "background-image" in the "Footer-design" section of this stylesheet. I know I'm specifying the correct path, but nothing seems to show up. I've also tried changing the colors,etc. just to see if the footer area shows up. I can't seem to get anything to display (images, color changes or otherwise). Any suggestions?

Also, I'm running into problems with the calendar. I've tried to activate/display it by setting this up in my administrative console. I've gone through the process of adding it to a toolbar, however nothing shows up. I'm at a loss as to how I can troubleshoot this. Any suggestions?


Kristof Coomans

Thursday 30 March 2006 6:57:15 am

You're only changing CSS at this moment, right?

Try to use the DOM inspector in Mozilla Firefox to see which styles (from which stylesheets) get applied to the footer. I guess you can also do this with the Internet Explorer developer toolbar.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Dorothy Adams

Thursday 30 March 2006 8:05:43 am

Thanks for the suggestion. I am just working with CSS for the moment. So far CSS has been an excellent way to tweak other sections of my templates. I just haven't figured out what to do about a "footer" section. There seems to be a section in the original CSS document called "footer", so I'll see what I can figure out from here.


Dorothy Adams

Thursday 30 March 2006 10:51:53 am

I think I've resolved the "footer" problem....a missing definition in my pagelayout file. I'm still wondering about the calendar issue however. If anyone has any troubleshooting ideas (or solutions!) feel free to let me know.

Betsy Gamrat

Thursday 30 March 2006 10:55:17 am

The missing calendar is probably the result of the subtree or class settings for that toolbar.


Try setting the calendar up on the right toolbar - I've had the best luck with it there.
Check the subtree settings and class types associated with the calendar.
Once it displays on the right toolbar, try the same settings on the others (if necessary).

Good luck

Dorothy Adams

Friday 31 March 2006 8:10:55 am

It appears to be displaying now. Thanks for the suggestion, Betsy!