Forums / Setup & design / Translated site in siteaccess

Translated site in siteaccess

Author Message

Antoni Aloy

Thursday 15 April 2010 2:47:51 am

Hello all!

First at all I have to say I'm quite new at ezPublish and acually I'm trying to understand how it works, even reading the documentation :)

To start with I have tried to develop a desgin extension following Francesco Fullone's book. I was following the tutorial but changes in the design extension did not appear in the site.

The problem was that ezwebmin sample creates and eng folder with a site.ini.append.php wich has the ezwebmin dessing. The tutorial says we have to change the site.ini.append.php on the ezwebmin_site.

As ezPublish could mantain different sites I don't see how to deal with eng (esl, ita, etc) configuration folders. I can simbolic link ezwebmin_site files to each language folder, but I can't see who different site wolud use the different languages.

I gess this kind of configuration will let you to mantain different dessigns for each language, but given two or more sites in different languages I can't see how to use this kind of configuration.

Any help would be appreciated in order to understand better how multisite + multilanguage could work on the same ezPublish installation.

Antoni Aloy