Forums / Setup & design / textfield alignment

textfield alignment

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ttkt ttkt

Friday 11 November 2005 9:56:15 am

hi, 1 have a registration page with the first and last name fields, and other fields for it. i would like to change the textfield length of first and last name, may i know where to change?

i understand that the registration page is using the same "box" class as "new forum reply" page. see below.

	<input class="box" type="text" size="70" name="ContentObjectAttribute_ezstring_data_text_10914" value="" />		
	<textarea class="box" name="ContentObjectAttribute_data_text_10915" cols="70" rows="10"></textarea>		</td>

how do i rename the class? because the registration page and "new forum reply" page layouts look different if i were to do css override for "box" class.

or if possible, allow me to edit the textfield length would be good.

Gurudutt Verma

Tuesday 15 November 2005 1:53:10 am


I will suggest you not override box because that will effect on your complete site where ever that tag is used I will say create new css class similar to box class, just copy the complete box class from core.css and place it in your stylesheet in your siteaccess and include that from pagelayout.

To create your css file
1- Create a file here

2. Copy/create box_a class or any css class to this file.

3. Include this file in pagelayout.tpl
Try to use ezdesign operator see the link.

I hope this will help you.