Forums / Setup & design / Text Color Wrong in Internet Explorer

Text Color Wrong in Internet Explorer

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Raymond Williams

Wednesday 02 August 2006 10:52:17 am

I've been banging my head against the wall about this for a while now, and I can only hope at this point maybe it's something one of you has seen in regard to eZ, because that's my last guess...

For some reason, in Internet Explorer (not Firefox) all of my text is blue, unless specifically overriden by a style at the tag level. If I add color: #000000; to the global BODY style in CSS, it does nothing. If I add text="#000000" to the pagelayout.tpl body tag, it does nothing. But if I set the color in the style of the paragraph/span/whatever tag itself, that text (and only that bit, as would be expected) is black.

I cannot find anywhere that I am setting the font to blue, excepting one class in my primary CSS, and changing that to black did not change anything either.

Page is at

For those that would run it through a validator, I am aware of the self-closing tag issues and am working to correct that. I read through an entire validation report, and nothing in there should (as far as I can see) be changing my font to blue and ignoring global style declarations.

Thanks for any feedback / suggestions.


Hans Melis

Wednesday 02 August 2006 1:29:27 pm

Hi Raymond

Unfortunately, an "incorrectly" closed tag is the cause of your problems. The first tag after <body> is

<a name="top" />

If you change that to

<a name="top"></a>

the text will become black in IE too.

Your way works in theory and in browsers that conform to theory ;-) But it's always a good idea to write the closing tag if the tag actually has one. That will prevent you from confusing browsers that have no clue. Extra example: for an empty paragraph, you should always write <p></p> and not <p />.
