Forums / Setup & design / Template load & processing soooo slow

Template load & processing soooo slow

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Paul Brandt

Tuesday 04 January 2005 2:47:19 am

Whenever I clear the Template cache, reloading the pages takes 2 timeouts of 30 seconds each. Then the page reoccurs, and the debuginfo says it took 90% of the time (25 s) to load the template (53%) and to process the template (38%).

I'm not sure whether the first two timeouts already do result in stored processing results that are not required to be done anymore during the final, third, access. If so, the amount of processing to be done is really huge. If not, it's quite a coincident that always the third attempt succeeds where the previous two failed.

After succesfull template regeneration, in general page load for the same page takes 4-5 s, debug says template processing takes 66%, rest of the time is consumed by the sql, rest of template actions and cache load. Is this number going to increase with larger, more complicated websites? I can live with 4-5 s response times, but not more.

Anyway, is this an indication of an instable initialisation / configuration? If so, what could be done to address (diagnose and solve) the misconfiguration, or, if not, what can be done to speed this up?

Thanks in advance!