Monday 29 December 2003 12:33:51 pm
Hello there, There seems to be a problem inthis code, casue it's not generating anything (and it should ;) ) {default informe_node_id=97 }
{let children=fetch( content, list, hash( parent_node_id, $informe_node_id,sort_by, $node.sort_array,offset,1,limit, 2, class_filter_type, include, class_filter_array, array('informe')))}
{section name=Child loop=$children}
{node_view_gui view=embed content_node=$Child:item}
{/let} {/default} class inform is readable by anonymous (by the way with administrator it doesn't show anything neither) I made embed_image override:
Subdir=templates Match[class]=17 Do you see the problem?
Regards, Shurbann