Friday 20 June 2008 1:15:09 am
I want to show a tag cloud in a certain section of a site, that only displays the tags in that section. I have managed to do this by creating a custom tag, and then passing the node ID to the eztagcloud() function.
{eztagcloud( hash( 'class_identifier', 'article', 'parent_node_id', $node_id ) )}
This works fine in that only displays the tags in the subtree identified by the node_id. However, when you click on a tag, it displays all the articles though the whole site that contain that tag. Is there any way to display only the tagged articles within the subtree? I notice that the tag cloud in the blog template displays the same behavior, only showing tags within the blog, but when you click on a tag, it displays all content throughout the site that has that tag. I am using eZPublish 4.0 with the eZwebin.