Forums / Setup & design / Strange Error (revisited)

Strange Error (revisited)

Author Message

Felix Laate

Monday 05 April 2004 2:19:45 am

Hi all!

What could cause the system to break, when a table is inserted in to an article (header or body)?

Debugging gives nothing, as the page doesn't even appear. Apache has noe track of the request or any posting back, nor any reference in the error_log.

In a IE6 browser the result is either "page not found" and "cannot find page or DNS error", or a everlasting search (with a blank page).

In Firefox 0.8 the result is "nothing", you click on the link (from the line view to the full) and nothing happens.

I tried to reinstall the ezpublish-3.2-4.tar.gz, but still the same..

I (obviously) emptied the cache..

I have a headache..

<b>Any</b> help would be appreciated!

To see the thing yourselves: then click on the last article..


Publlic Relations Manager
Greater Stavanger

Lazaro Ferreira

Monday 05 April 2004 8:22:01 am


I've tried to open that URL, and my proxy gets a zero replay size error

It seems like something is failing at a web server level

Check your php version, you should use 4.3.x version, and also check the php logs

What amount or max memory your php script can use ?, the default setting (8 MB ) may not be enough for EZP 3.x, so you may need to increase it

in conclusion take a look at your php log files


Felix Laate

Tuesday 06 April 2004 11:27:24 am

Problem solved!

I upgraded apache (to 1.3.29), php (to 4.3.x) and mysql (to 4.0.18), and that did the trick.

The headache is over, but I'm still pussled over the strange behaviour..


Publlic Relations Manager
Greater Stavanger