Forums / Setup & design / strange behaviour with adding location

strange behaviour with adding location

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Marko Žmak

Tuesday 14 February 2006 1:36:13 am

I have some problems with adding objects to locations. When I try to add an object to several loactions, in the moment when I check the checkboxes for new locations and klick OK, I often get the "Page not found" error (probably the script crashes). When it doesn't crash it takes a lot of time to add the locations. More locations I add, more often the script crashes.

Also when I try to remove locations for the same object, there always stays one location with no name that I cant delete (the cehckbox is disabled). I have to delete the entire object to get rid of this "phantom" location.

All other actions on the site work OK, and take a normal account of time to execute.

I'm using eZ 3.7.3, PHP 4.4.1 and I have turned all the template cache, compile, and view cache.

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Marko Žmak

Tuesday 14 February 2006 3:06:43 am

I have just turned on SQL debug an noticed that adding locations to object produces a large amount of SQL queries. I think there are more than hundered of them. Also the execution of the queries lasts 6 seconds (which if about 50% of all execution). And all this only for adding 4 locations to an object. Is this really necessary? Is this som kind of bug or misconfiguration or this is normal eZ behaviour?

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Marko Žmak

Wednesday 15 February 2006 5:34:23 am

Can anyone help me with this? My site is having serious problems because of this problem.

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth