Forums / Setup & design / Sort by attribute in several classes

Sort by attribute in several classes

Author Message

Anders F

Monday 12 January 2004 11:56:05 am

Is it possible in the current release (3.3.1) to sort by a class attribute name in several classes?

It's now possible to sort articles like this:

sort_by,array('attribute',false(), 'article/modified_date')

But can I sort a list of articles AND news_articles by the attribute modified_date?

James Packham

Tuesday 13 January 2004 4:08:52 am

Have you tried using a section to prepend/append one array to the other, then fetch and sort the contents? That's how I'd go about it. If I don't make much sense look at
and play with different ways of using the operators.



Sujit Sth

Tuesday 04 January 2011 9:04:42 pm

Hi Andres,

Yes you can sort by class attribute. See the example below.

{def $rss=fetch('content','list', hash('parent_node_id',77, limit,6, sort_by, array( 'attribute', false(), 'rss_import/pubdate')))}


rss_import -> class identifier
pubdate -> attribute identifier

for detail visit link

happy sorting