Forums / Setup & design / SOLVED - Need help with mail template HTML codes

SOLVED - Need help with mail template HTML codes

Author Message

Viktor Markowski

Friday 25 February 2011 3:44:24 am

I have installed and activated eZComments 1.1. Everything seems to work well. However, the e-mail messages it sends out, do arrive, but are incorrect formatted.

The subject line reads something like: <!-- START: including template: extension/ezcomments/design/standard/templates/comment/notification_subject.tpl (design:comment/notification_subject.tpl) -->

Also, in the e-mail, there are all sorts of HTML codes (see below for a full example of the e-mail content)

I included in site.ini.append.php a line indicating that the system should send html-messages.

Any suggestions where I should start my investigation for solving this?



__________________ Example ____________________

MIME-Version: 1.0

User-Agent: eZ Components

Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 22:40:02 +0100

Message-Id: <>

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

<!-- START: including template: extension/ezcomments/design/standard/templates/comment/notification_body.tpl (design:comment/notification_body.tpl) --> <p>


<br /><br />

<u>Viktor Markowski</u> posted a new comment on <a href=" etc</a>.



<b>Comment summary</b>:<br>


<br />

<br />


To reply the content, please visit

<a href=" etc"> etc


<br />

For setting your subscription, please visit <a href=" etc"> etc

</a><br /><br />


<!-- STOP: including template: extension/ezcomments/design/standard/templates/comment/notification_body.tpl (design:comment/notification_body.tpl) -->

Sebastiaan van der Vliet

Friday 25 February 2011 3:50:14 am

Did you turn off template debug in your override site.ini.append.php?

Certified eZ publish developer with over 9 years of eZ publish experience. Available for challenging eZ publish projects as a technical consultant, project manager, trouble shooter or strategic advisor.

Viktor Markowski

Friday 25 February 2011 4:47:54 am

Cheers Sebas!

That did the trick. Sometimes life can be simple - fortunately.

Best wishes, Viktor