Forums / Setup & design / Slow site and not very helpful debug (total doesn't sum up)

Slow site and not very helpful debug (total doesn't sum up)

Author Message

Xavier Dutoit

Tuesday 04 December 2007 11:31:33 pm


Standard admin on a 3.10. Got a slow website, with debug, have that:

Time accumulators:
 Accumulator	 Elapsed	 Percent	 Count	 Average
Load cache	0.1047 sec	3.4221%	18	0.0058 sec
FindInputFiles	0.0539 sec	1.7611%	18	0.0030 sec
Mysql Total				
Mysql_queries	0.0095 sec	0.3114%	9	0.0011 sec
Looping result	0.0006 sec	0.0212%	6	0.0001 sec
Template Total	0.5759 sec	18.8%	2	0.2880 sec
Template load	0.0407 sec	1.3295%	2	0.0203 sec
Template processing	0.5333 sec	17.4278%	2	0.2666 sec
Template load and register function	0.0078 sec	0.2540%	2	0.0039 sec
Cache load	0.0287 sec	0.9388%	3	0.0096 sec
Matching rules	0.0031 sec	0.1009%	4	0.0008 sec
String conversion	0.0006 sec	0.0183%	2	0.0003 sec
String conversion w/ mbstring	0.0002 sec	0.0073%	2	0.0001 sec
dbfile	0.0008 sec	0.0267%	3	0.0003 sec
Total script time:	3.0600 sec	

I never fully understood how the total script time sums the various individual times, but I don't understand how you can have 3 seconds, while you have 0.5 of template processing and almost nothing else.

Does it make sense to you ?
