Forums / Setup & design / Siteaccess Limit?

Siteaccess Limit?

Author Message

Mahesh Arvind

Thursday 17 June 2004 7:19:12 am

Is there any limit to the number of siteaccess that can be created with an instance of EZ Publish?


Thanks & Regards

Kåre Køhler Høvik

Friday 18 June 2004 9:12:12 am

No, there is no limit on the number of siteaccesses. The limiting factior would be performance issues.

Kåre Høvik

steve walker

Monday 21 June 2004 3:26:18 am

Ez Crew,

Can you give any rough 'rule of thumb' comments about multiple site hosting?

Are there any ramifications due to multiple cache copies? Or is the only factor the site hit rate? Does refreshing the cache on one site cause slow downs on the others?

Any insights you have would be most welcome.

Thanks, Steve.

steve walker

Wednesday 23 June 2004 2:44:15 am


Would be great to see some information released on this...

To re-word the information that I (and I think others) would find helpful...

Lets take a server that has the ability to run 200 conventially setup PHP websites. Now, in this instance, what is the difference between having 200 seperate installations of EzPublish running one site each, and 1 installation of EzPublish running 200 sites?

- Is the PHP memeory allocation the only issue here? Is there a rule of thumb that says "for a hit rate of x pages per hour you typically need a PHP memory allocation of y"

- does work performed on one site affect the performance of other sites? Caching bleedover effects etc...

An insight into where the stresses and strains lie within the system would be great.

Are there any statistics you could provide, any live installations like "we have a server with x spec running y multiple sites off a single install"...?

Any info appreciated.

Regards, Steve.