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Show Page Views

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DeAndre Johnson

Tuesday 13 October 2009 5:01:26 am

Is there a way to show the number of times article pages have been viewed?

I am, because I choose to be!

Gaetano Giunta

Tuesday 13 October 2009 7:51:23 am

You will need to enable the cronjob that parses the webserver logs and stores that info back into eZP (updateviewcount.php, by default commented in cronjobs.ini in the standard cronjob part).

Then you can use $node.view_count in your node template to display it.

Take care: by deafult, with view cache on, the number will only be increased when the object is edited again, so you will also have to disable the view cache for those nodes where the view count is shown, using something like: {set-block scope=global variable=cache_ttl}86400{/set-block}

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