Forums / Setup & design / Shop Confirm Order fails: Fatal error: A database...

Shop Confirm Order fails: Fatal error: A database...

Author Message

Maarten Holland

Monday 31 July 2006 3:05:48 am

Hi everyone,

I'm running 3.7 and created some products. When testing, I've choosen 'add to basket', set quantity to one, filled in my personal details and clicked 'confirm' in the final screen. At that point an error is returned:

Fatal error: A database transaction in eZ publish failed.

The current execution was stopped to prevent further problems.
You should contact the System Administrator of this site with the information on this page.
The current transaction ID is TRANSID-f8b2b30blabla07b17 and has been logged.
Please include the transaction ID and the current URL when contacting the system administrator.

ezPublish error.log shows:

Query error: Access denied for user 'myusername'@'localhost' to database 'mydatabase'.
Query: LOCK TABLES ezorder WRITE. Transaction in progress failed due to DB error, transaction was rollbacked. Transaction ID is TRANSID-f8b2b30blabla07b17.

I've checked the MySQL username and database: Both are correct. The order IS inserted into table 'ezorder'.

I've tried this both as anonymous user and administrator with full control.

I truly hope you can shine some light on this problem.

Your help is highly appreciated.



Pascal Specht

Friday 08 June 2007 6:54:32 am


this still may happen in 3.9.2 and is not a bug in the shop system.
Turning on SQL Debug information was very precious to find the origin of the problem:

Error: eZMySQLDB
Access denied for user 'johndoe'@'localhost' to database 'mylovelycustomer'. Query: LOCK TABLES ezorder WRITE

... well, the user hadn't the LOCK table authorization...

Hope this helps others!
